Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

Stellungnahme der Jagiellonia Bialystok Fans

Nach dem Spiel von Jagiellonia Bialystok in Thessaloniki am 05.08.2010 und den Festnahmen nach Zusammenstößen mit Polizei und Heimfans, veröffentlichen die Fans aus Bialystok eine Stellungnahme und hoffen auf europaweite Solidarität.

Official statement of Jagiellonia fans they want WHOLE football fans Europe to know about disgraceful behaviour by aris "fans".

We stand hand by hand. Few of our friends have been arrested in Greece. One of them had been given 2.5 yr sentence. Rest of the lads got sentences suspended. To free them large sume of money is needed. This is few tens of thousands of zloty's. Now we have to help them to get this money asap. So we are counting on all of You true football fans. Every penny counts!!!. Everyone of us might have been a victim of police arrests, made randomly on our stand in Salonika. We are safely back home but our friends have been kept in Greece. We appeal for help from every gootball fan who could not have been in Greece, in Poland and abroad!

Everyone present at the game have witnessed blood freezing moments. From everywhere we can see voices of deep anger after greek "fans" behaviour towards Jagiellonia officials. But media are giving false statements about all what happened in Salonika. For the whole game we have been attacked by greek "fans". Stoens, bricks, flares, you name it, were thrown towards our section. From the VIP stand barrage of glasses flew towards us. Security and police have allowed them to do that by covering them and ignoring all what was going on. We never even had a chance to support out team which is why at the end of the day we came to Salonika in the first place. We simply had to try to avoid being hit by whatever was coming from everywhere to our direction. Not everyone was fortunate enough. However we were denied any medical help and treatment. Being kept after the game we never had an access to water. At the same time provocative greek old bill was sipping water to wind us up. Greek ob has spat many times on our flags also they tried to steal them. In lying media there are rubbish claims than we have been tooled up to the teeth which is not true.

We can prove our point by providing plenty of footage from stadium. We also appeal to everyone who has any photos etc. to step forward and publish it. In Salonika we have witnessed twisted arm of the "law" total chaos and people behaving like animals with no rules. We cannot name after this aris fans human beings. They simply behaved like animals. Apart from everything aris stadium should not be allowed to host any international football games being potential risk for health and life of all spectators.

The account number is:

IBAN: PL 90 1940 1076 4953 3606 0000 0000




Zusätzlich zur offiziellen Stellungnahme ist erwähnenswert, dass die polnische Szene sich aktuell sehr solidarisch mit der Fanszene von Jagiellonia zeigt. Dies beruht zum einen darauf, dass Jaga kaum Feinde im Land hat und zum anderen darauf, dass der zentrale Vorwurf der Kibice nicht der Angriff auf den Gästesektor, sondern die "Zusammenarbeit" der Aris-Fans mit der Polizei ist. So wurde, wie zum Ende des ersten Videos zu sehen ist, ein Fan während er auf dem Platz lief und anschließend von Ordnern abgeführt wurde, mit mehreren Tritte von einem Aris Anhänger bearbeitet. Des Weiteren brach Jubel aus, als die Bullen im Gästesektor knüppelten, zudem setzte im gleichen Moment ein erneuter Steinhagel auf die Gäste ein. Die Kibice hoffen durch eine vereins- und sogar länderübergreifende Spendenaktion ihren noch inhaftierten Freunden helfen zu können.

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